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My friend wants the Islamic name for her baby girl which mean gift of Allah. please help.


This is an official answer by Staff

All of these are Islamic names that mean "gift from Allah":

Minhah, pronounced as MI(st) + N + HU(mble).
Also spelled as Manha, Munha

Atiyyah, pronounced as U(ltimate) + TI(p) + Y(es) + (h)U(mble).
Also spelled as Atya, Ateya, Atiyya, Atiya, Etiya, Eteya

Hadiyyah, pronounced as HU(mble) + DEE(d) + Y(es) + (h)U(mble)
Also spelled as Hadeya, Hadeyya, Hadiyya, Hadiya, Hediya, Hedya

Hadaaya, pronounced as HU(mble) + DA(ndelion) + YA(rd)
Also spelled as Hadaia, Hadaya, Hedaya, Hadayaa, Hadaiaa
(not to be confused with Hidayah, which means guidance)

Heba, pronounced as HI(ll) or HE(r) + BU(mp)
Also spelled as Hiba
This name is also commonly pronounced Hebaa with a long "A" at the end, this is not standard Arabic but there is no harm in it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 13th of January 2016 07:45:21 PM

    I want a name that has the meaning talent from god, ift from god.

  2. on Saturday 23rd of January 2016 06:42:22 AM

    These are some nice names which means Gift from God.
    Abhishai, Avisha, Ercole, Gian, Ebunoluwa, Donata, Dora, Jana, Joonatan, Maitias, Doroata, Hanz, Natan, Ian, Iva, Teodozji

    You can also find the list of names according to meaning at babynamescube.

  3. on Friday 11th of August 2017 08:13:02 PM

    I want she or her will great on future so like saying super

  4. on Thursday 22nd of October 2020 12:48:19 PM

    I want a the Islamic Arabic name that has the meaning talent from god, ift from god.

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