I want to name my baby ariya . Is this an islamic name. Can i keep this name

Home Forums Question and Answer I want to name my baby ariya . Is this an islamic name. Can i keep this name

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Maleeha 1 year, 12 months ago.

  • Author
  • #165198 Reply

    Qurat Ul ain Khan

    Can i keep my baby name as ariya. Is this an islamic name

  • #165224 Reply


    Aoa, this depends on your definition of “Islamic.” From my understanding any name that has a good meaning is allowed in Islam unless directly related to another religion. In terms of the name Ariya, it’s not directly named in the Quran nor is it a derivative of a root word. However it has a good meaning (noble, pure). Thus I believe it is totally acceptable to name your daughter Ariya. Hope this helps

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