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i want to know about name zimal its taken from muzammil bt 'zayy' in muzamil has 'zabar ' on it and zimal 'zayy' has 'zaer' on it and same as with 'meem' ,having 'zaer' in muzamil and 'zabar' in zimal....doesnt this change its meaning?


This is an official answer by Staff

I think you are referring to zi vs. za and ma vs. mi in Zimal versus Muzzammil. These differences do not change the meaning, because the Arabic language is an Abjad; the language revolves around consonants, not vowels. Zimal and Muzzammil are both derived from one root, Z-M-L, and this decides the meaning of the word. Each root can be turned into dozens of different sounding names, for example Zaamil, Zameel, Zaml, Zameela, Izmil, Zammil, Zamila, Tazammala, etc. Since they all come from the same root, all of them have related meanings.

The meaning of Zimal and Muzzammil are not exactly the same, but they are related. Zimal means "garment", "modesty", and Muzzammil means "dressed in a garment", "covered up in modesty".

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 21st of September 2023 01:09:19 PM

    My niece name is Zimal. In order to avoid any ambiguity in terms of meaning (different caused by Zeir and Zabar). Which name is preferable? Zimal or Zamal please?

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