Abdar (moonlike)
Atheer (light reflected from a sword's blade, a person of high status and good qualities)
Ahkam (wise and decisive)
Adham (name of Prophet's companion)
Arhab (intelligent, open minded, gracious)
Azhar (brilliant and radiant)
Aslan and Aseel (noble, upperclass)
Asbar (patient)
Atyab (good, pious and kind)
Akram (honorable)
Amjad (majestic and exalted)
Ameen (trustworthy)
Anwar (enlightened, brilliant)
Ayman (blessed)
Ayyub (prophet's name)
Abed (worshiper of Allah)
Adel (fair and just)
Aref (scholar, knowledgeable person)
Azem, Azaam and Azmi (patient and with strong will power)
Asef (brave)
Asem (protector)
Atef (compassionate)
Akef (someone who worships Allah constantly)
Atiq (gracious, original)
Azz, Aziz (honorable, powerful)
Ataa (gift from Allah)
Affan and Afeef (virtuous, chaste, pious)
Ayyash (long-lived)
Reader Comments:
on Tuesday 28th of March 2017 09:46:50 PM
Please I want to know what is the meaning of Afnan?