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We would like to advise if it would be good to name a baby boy for example Imran Layachi. If we would have a baby girl we would like to call her Inaya or Soumaya Fatima. Are these quranic names and what would it mean?


This is an official answer by Staff

Imran is a Quranic name mentioned in Quran 3:33, 3:35 and 66:12. It is the name of Maryam's father, i.e. grandfather of Prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him. It s a good name and can be used by Muslims.

Layachi doesn't have any similarity to Arabic. Arabic doesn't contain that "ch" sound. I don't know what this name means or where it comes from. If the meaning is good you can use it, even if it is not from the Quran or Arabic.

For the meaning of Inaya please look at this answer.

Soumayyah is a version of the word Samaa and Samiya and means "high in status", "exalted", "sublime". It is not directly mentioned in the Quran but its root is S-M-A which is used in the Quran, for this reason it is an indirect Quranic name. It is also the name of the mother of Ammar bin Yasir: Soumayyah bint Khuyat, companions of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah upon them. She was the first martyr in Islam.

Fatima is the name of Prophet Muhammad's daughter, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family and companions.  The meaning of Fatima is a child who has been weaned off breast milk. The linguists of the Arabic language aren't certain why this word is used as a name. It is not mentioned in the Quran, whether directly or indirectly. But since it is the name of the Prophet's daughter, Muslims consider it a high-status name.

Soumaya Fatima means "Fatima, the respected/sublime one".

Soumayyah and Fatima, and the combination Soumaya Fatima are good names and can be used by Muslims.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 20th of July 2019 09:50:18 AM

    Baby born on 8/7/19 1 :16 pm plz suggest name of female child

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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