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A Non-Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Aras

Aras is a Kurdish, Persian, Turkish and Urdu name for boys and girls. In Kurdish and Persian it means “equal”, “balanced”. The word Aras commonly refers to the Aras River, which flows through Turkey, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan. In Kurdish the name is pronounced [(A)fter] + [p(R)ay + s(A)nd + (S)it], in Persian [(A)fter] + [p(R)ay + r(U)n + (S)it]. In Azerbaijani the river is called Araz and pronounced [(A)fter] + [p(R)ay + s(A)nd + (Z)ero].

All of the above pronunciations are acceptable. Choose whichever you like.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 16th of November 2015 05:29:10 AM

    Aras is a Lithuanian name literally meaning “eagle”

  2. on Wednesday 15th of August 2018 11:50:16 PM

    I met an infant with this name and I find the meaning ironic because so far the child seems very unbalanced ama hopefully the child will be able to run around better next year. Still I guess this is a better name than syc(k)amore, emotions, or ocean, lol.

  3. on Wednesday 23rd of October 2019 10:52:13 PM

    2 commenter.Balanced mean is not about how she or he is ’s about their nature.

  4. on Wednesday 23rd of October 2019 10:53:25 PM

    2 commenter.Balanced mean is not about how she or he is walking its about their nature

  5. on Monday 28th of September 2020 05:34:13 PM

    In russian it means God of love and in persian means as clean as water

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