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Could you please advice if Daniel and Tobias are muslim names, ss they are mentioned in some islamic Internet sites.


This is an official answer by Staff

Daniel and Tobias are Biblical (Jewish and Christian) names, not Muslim names. Daniel is recognized by Muslim scholars as a true prophet from Allah sent to the Jewish people. Tobias is the name of several Jewish individuals mentioned in Biblical sources.

Daniel means "God is my Judge" and Tobias means "God is good". Both names have good meanings and for this reason they aren't forbidden to use in Islam. But many Muslim scholars discourage using Jewish and Christian names, since as Muslims we should be content with our own history and culture--we have enough good names of our own to use, why use Jewish and Christian names? But keep in mind that Islam doesn't forbid using them, so the ultimate decision returns to you.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 11th of January 2016 07:56:18 PM

    Um, actually Daniel IS a Muslim name. Many muslims have this name.

  2. on Thursday 25th of February 2016 09:21:54 PM

    What makes a Muslim is your actions and deeds, not your name. As long as the name had good meaning, there is no compulsion to hold an Arabic name. Both Daniyal and Tobias are good names and worthy of any Muslim.

  3. on Saturday 29th of April 2017 05:48:50 PM

    Muslim believe in all prophets and thus can name any name of a prophet either Christian or Jewish.

  4. on Tuesday 19th of December 2017 12:32:58 PM

    Yes maybe one’s name isn’t a reflection of one’s faith. But you wouldn’t name your Muslim son ‘Christian’ would you? Lol

  5. on Sunday 24th of December 2017 06:20:15 PM

    My name is Daniyal and in urdu it means
    Logical thinker and intelligent ! Thats what I found in many other websites also.
    Is there any reference to this name in quran?

  6. on Wednesday 15th of April 2020 12:08:10 AM

    My name is Muhammad Tariq, I am from Peshawar Pakistan. When my first daughter born my niece and my sister named her Umamah where my mother was insisting Asyah , I finished the conflict and name her Umamah Asyah bouble name. On my second daughter my father gave her name AYMUN and I gave her Imaan I doubled AYMUN Imaan. My first son born my wife foresaid she name him Harris my father was insisting abdurrehman I was Ali so decided that his name must be Harris Ali Rahman, where one of my father friend was Ali Rahman finished the conflict and name my son as Harris Ali Rahman but later but in school and other documents officials were mistaking in his name and I knew that a name must be a good meaning as prophet of Islam SAW saying, I later on change the name of son as Harris deniel, now he is facing some difficulties due to name people consider him as Jew or Christian. Every time in daily life, people ask about the meaning of names that’s no problem. I choose Harris when I search it’s meaning I found in Urdu NIGAHBAN, PASBAN, as deniel is not an Arabic name but he was a NABI or saint that ok, we believe that there are one hundred and twenty four thousand prophet came to earth for different nation but Quran is silent and all the names are not mentioned in Quran. I choose the good name for my son with good meaning that’s all.
    Thank you,
    Muhammad Tariq

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