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Asak I want to name my girl Aayat but a molana said that we cant use Aayat as a name cz it is a part of a sentence or something I dont get the logic behind this also as per my knowledge Aayat means sign or verses of Qur'an, proof by Allah. Im really keen on this name please somebody tell me if I can or not?


This is an official answer by Staff

Technically what the molana is thinking is right, but it doesn't apply to baby names. It is a common practice among Arabs and non-Arabs to "open up the taa" at the end of a word when creating names. Thus Aayah becomes Aayat, Raf`ah becomes Raf`atFerasah becomes Ferasat, and so on. There are no linguistic rules for this in the Arabic language, but it is accepted and used by Arabs and non-Arabs alike. There are probably hundreds of baby names that follow this pattern. Therefore there is no issue with using the name Aayat.

For more information on Aayat see: Aayat

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