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I would like to know the origin and meaning of the name Ahyan. This website sats the name means time, age,era..... however i have known it means "gift of Allah" thats what most other sites say. Please help me clear my confusion as i pray n hope to use this name. JazakaAllaah khair.


This is an official answer by Staff

The correct meaning of Ahyan is the one mentioned on our site here: Ahyan

 The meaning of "gift from God" is incorrect and comes from a list on the SearchTruth site that contains many incorrect meanings, and many other Islamic baby name sites have unfortunately copied the information from it without verifying its correctness.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 17th of May 2015 06:59:28 PM

    I want to keep my baby boy’s name which contain the meaning fortunate blessings successful.the word may be taken from holy quran or persian or urdu word.jajakallakhair.

  2. on Monday 3rd of October 2016 06:45:09 PM

    I choos my baby boy name ahyaan, i have one doubt is a menig less name ?
    Wat is tha meanig off ahyaan ?

  3. on Saturday 25th of November 2017 05:12:02 PM

    How can you say Ahyan meaning wrong on other websites without any strong reference or proof.

  4. on Saturday 25th of November 2017 05:14:47 PM

    Would you tell me Ahyan name meaning with strong reference or proof.

  5. on Sunday 26th of November 2017 05:44:04 PM

    Any reference about your answer ??? I also find Ahyan Meaning Gift of God on several websites.

  6. on Wednesday 28th of February 2018 09:26:31 AM

    my brother’s name is ahyan. gift of god is correct meaning or not??

  7. on Monday 3rd of September 2018 10:29:50 AM

    Assalam alaykum
    Ahyan meaning (off course and other names) are not confined only in Qur anic derivation (direct or indirect words) since not all Arabic words and names are sourced from Qur an, So far many users of the Arabic language agreed in the meaning of Ahyan as a gift of Allah, then this site should respect their views because language expand/grow from different sources and this source is amongst them, its meaning only (as a gift of allah) not Ahyan as word/name is direct and indirect meaning from Qur an and Sunnah but word itself as per this meaning is a result of language growth in connection to that attached meaning (take good meaning from other words from Qur an and Sunnah) and create your own words with same meaning, if community take and use/apply it widely, this factorize the language expansion), therefore the meaning of Ahyan is a gift of allah (basing on language expansion) and Ahyan means perfect moment (basing on qur an word), In that essence lets us agree that recently Ahyan name has two meaning, One is gift of Allah and secondly is perfect moment (since any moment in Allah is perfectly planned)

  8. on Monday 3rd of September 2018 12:14:59 PM

    Assalam alaykum;
    Meaning of Ahyan (off course this name and other names) are not confined only in Quranic derivations (direct or indirect words), since not all Arabic words/names are sourced from Qur an, So far many users of the Arabic language agreed in the meaning of Ahyan as a gift from Allah, then this site should respect their views because language expand/grow from different sources and this source is amongst them, the phrase (gift from Allah) not Ahyan as word/name is direct and indirectly sourced from Quran and Sunnah but the word itself (Ahyan) as per this meaning is a result of language growth/expansion apart from that from Quran, In connection to that, attached meaning (take example, good meaning from other words in Quran and Sunnah and establish your own words with same meaning, if community take and use/apply it widely in the life basis it factorizes the language expansion since the community accept), therefore the meaning of Ahyan is a gift from Allah (basing on language expansion) and Ahyan means perfect moment (basing on qur an word),
    In that essence, lets us agree that recently Ahyan name has two meaning, One is gift from Allah and secondly is perfect moment (since any moment in Allah is perfectly planned)
    From: Abu Ahyan

  9. on Monday 3rd of September 2018 12:29:02 PM

    Assalam alaykum;
    Meaning of Ahyan (off course this name and other names) are not confined only in Quranic derivations (direct or indirect words), since not all Arabic words/names are sourced from Qur an, So far many users of the Arabic language agreed (agreed through hearing and using) in the meaning of Ahyan as a gift from Allah, then this site should respect their views because language expand/grow from different sources and this source is amongst them, the phrase (gift from Allah) not Ahyan as word/name is direct and indirectly sourced from Quran and Sunnah but the word itself (Ahyan) as per this meaning is a result of language growth/expansion apart from that in Quran, In connection to that, the attached meaning (take example, good meaning from other words in Quran and Sunnah and establish your own words with same meaning, if community take and use/apply it widely in the life basis it factorizes the language expansion since the community accept), therefore the meaning of Ahyan is a gift from Allah (basing on language expansion) and Ahyan means perfect moment/time/era (as sourced from Quranic word, ”heen”),
    In that essence, lets us agree that recently Ahyan name has two meaning, One is gift from Allah and secondly is perfect moment (since any moment in Allah is perfectly planned)
    From: Abu Ahyan

  10. on Monday 1st of October 2018 06:29:54 AM

    how can a person delete/edit his/her comments after being submitted after realizing there is some errors?

  11. on Sunday 19th of April 2020 09:33:06 AM

    my childs name is arabic language the meaning is “club footed”.he is 7 years old now.please help me can i do…

  12. on Saturday 11th of September 2021 07:25:17 AM

    My brothers name is ahyan,,gift of God is correct meaning or not?

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