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Assalam-o-Alaikum, With regards to your reply for the meaning of RANEEM as 'sweet singing voice or melodious voice', could you please further clarify that this singing is related not to a song or music? Since singing song or acts related to it are considered non-permissible in our religion, therefore i have still some doubts. Thanks, Moh'd.


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Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Raneem is not specifically related to human song, it means any pleasant sound, and it is used for the sound of singing of birds. And when used for a human voice, it still doesn't necessarily mean it is a song or music, it just means the sound of the voice is pleasant.

As a side note, the permissibility or not of music and song is not a clear cut issue in Islam. Many respected scholars consider them tools that can be used for good causes and bad ones, similar to writing, drawing, or taking photos. Among these scholars is Shaikh Yusuf al-Qaradhawi, president of the World Union of Islamic Scholars. A nightingale's song, and the song of many other types of bird, are more "musical" than most human-made music, yet Islam hasn't made listening to them haram.

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