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A Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Dilalah

DIp + LAnd + LUck

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Dilalah in Arabic)دِلَالَة
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of DilalahDilaalah Dilala Dilaala Delala Delaala Delalah Delaalah
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from D-L-L:

Meaning of Dilalah

Dilalah is an Arabic name for girls that means “guidance”, “instruction”.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 6th of December 2020 08:30:34 PM

    The Arabic Names Dilan/ Zilan, Zila/Dila or Zilla Adila or Adilan

  2. on Sunday 6th of December 2020 08:33:01 PM

    Arabisch: steht im Kuran Surah Mujadilan (“Der Streit” oder “Die Streitende”). Es Bedeutet auch “Die Schrift” in der arabischen Sprache und ist ein Nomen. Der Name hat viele Bedeuteungen in der arabischen Sprache wie Zwei Schwänze, oder Zwei Schatten wie der name Dila oder Zilla aber mit der Endung (n) deswegen bedeutet es Zwei Schatten. Es wird auf arabisch sehr unterschiedlich geschrieben, deshalb hat es so viele Bedeuteungen.

    Dilan is a Arabic Name. ظيلاً، ديلاً، ضيلان، ذيلان.

  3. on Sunday 6th of December 2020 08:39:10 PM

    Arabic: stands in the Kuran Surah Mujadilan (“The dispute” or “The dispute”). It also means “The Scriptures” in the Arabic language and is a noun. The name has many meanings in the Arabic language like two tails, or two shadows like the name Dila or Zilla but with the ending (s) it means two shadows. It is spelled very differently in Arabic, which is why it has so many meanings.

    ‎ذيلان- two tails
    ‎ظيلاً- shadow
    ‎ضيلان- delusional
    ‎دِلعن- cursed

  4. on Sunday 6th of December 2020 08:39:38 PM

    Dilan is arabic name Arabic: stands in the Kuran Surah Mujadilan (“The dispute” or “The dispute”). It also means “The Scriptures” in the Arabic language and is a noun. The name has many meanings in the Arabic language like two tails, or two shadows like the name Dila or Zilla but with the ending (s) it means two shadows. It is spelled very differently in Arabic, which is why it has so many meanings.

    ‎ذيلان- two tails
    ‎ظيلاً- shadow
    ‎ضيلان- delusional
    ‎دِلعن- cursed

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With D | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | D-L-L | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With D | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Quranic Names by Root
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