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Discussions | Page 54

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Published on April 23, 2014

what,s the meaning of word zujaja and tell the right spellings of the word

replies: 8

please tell me meaning of iba in urdu

replies: 1

Is Ariana a suitable islamic name for a girl?

replies: 0

Can i keep Nayl instead of Naylah for baby girl?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Ashtalfa?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Khashia?

replies: 0

i need boy name matching with bushra

replies: 2

Can you use the name Ihsaan for a girl?

replies: 1

You have posted the Quranic meaning of the name "Aariz". You have also mentioned that in some ...

replies: 1

Salam, Can you please advise about Mirha, Kinza, Haniya and Zunaira?

replies: 1

How about name Shiza or Sheeza for girl?

replies: 12

Assalamu alaikum.. Zeyba sadaf is perfect for my girl baby.?

replies: 0

what is the meaning of name imad is it nearest to the name of allah or rasool

replies: 0

Suggest a name to use after Mohammed

replies: 0

Can you please tell me the Islamic origin of the name Mahad?

replies: 3

Can we use the name ” Aisha Taqwa” for a girl?

replies: 0

Assalamu baby girl is due. can u pls tell me how is followings name and is it ...

replies: 0

Please suggest me if I choose these as full name. 1. Barirah manar 2. Irfa marzia 3. Sumatra Zariya.

replies: 0

Is Niyoosha or Niusha acceptable for muslim baby names?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Balaaj?

replies: 2
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