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Discussions | Page 55

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Published on April 23, 2014

Slmz , please can you advice me on the names Daneen and elaiyah , shukran

replies: 5

Is Diana a Muslim name?

replies: 5

what’s the quranic meaning and quranic origin of ‘fasna’, fahmitha,razla?

replies: 2

What's the meaning of Amima, Amana. are these good as girls name?

replies: 0

Can you use the name Maimoon instead of Maimoona for a girl.

replies: 0

what is meaning of alia and what has been mentioned in Quran regarding this word ?

replies: 0

Is it suitable to use name arsh for muslim baby boy ??

replies: 0
Published on April 22, 2014

AoA, Kindly provide me with the meaning of Maya for a baby Girl, and Masun/Mason for a Baby Boy.

replies: 1

What is the meaning of the name Moshfaqeen?

replies: 0

Can we keep the name as “Riyafeel ” for boys? What is the exact meaning of this name? ...

replies: 0

What does the name Sonia mean?

replies: 0

Can a Muslim baby be called for ‘ Eliana’?

replies: 0

Can you please tell me if zayef and zevae (means diligent person) are both good names to keep ...

replies: 0

what is the meaning of ‘Rahiyan’?

replies: 1

What is the meaning of Jazel and Aiz?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Qandeel?

replies: 13

What is the feminine version of yahya and plz mention the meaning of them ?

replies: 0

Is the word Arij in the Quran?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Isas and Misam?

replies: 0

What does ELAF mean? Can it be named for girls

replies: 0
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