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Does the name Fay/ Faye share any Arabic origins? Does it have an Arabic meaning to it? I was once told it meant shadow in Arabic.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 5th of December 2016 06:25:03 PM

    it means shade from the sun/light/heat.

  2. on Sunday 18th of June 2017 10:42:52 AM

    It is the shadow of a tree at its longest and coolest state. A sanctuary from the heat of sorts.

  3. on Friday 7th of September 2018 07:36:14 PM

    Can I name my daughter this name
    Does it have a good meaning

  4. on Tuesday 30th of October 2018 05:16:19 PM

    It is pronounced as Fay’ with the Arabic alphabetic letter (hamza) a glottal stop at the end of the word Fay’ in classical Arabic.
    It is pronounced as Faye in modern Arabic dialects like the Lebanese one. It means shade of tree. It has a nice meaning, but to my knowledge, no one in the Arab world uses it as a proper name.

  5. on Monday 22nd of April 2019 12:18:51 AM

    It is my proper name! And I’m Iraqi 🙂

    There are some Arab Fay’s but mostly people don’t believe me when I say it’s Arabic since it’s not common.

  6. on Wednesday 24th of April 2019 08:41:23 AM

    Hi, i am interested in naming my daughter Faye! Can you please spell Faye in Arabic? Can any of you show the arabic root of that name?

  7. on Monday 11th of May 2020 06:43:10 PM

    Its spells in Arabic as (فيّء) and it has arabic origins and it means shadow

  8. on Sunday 14th of June 2020 08:46:33 PM

    actually name “ Fay “ and ,it spells like this ” فيّ “.

  9. on Sunday 30th of August 2020 08:57:18 PM

    Wait my name is pronounced Fay but written Fai and I’m a girl is this still ok in Islam?

  10. on Tuesday 24th of November 2020 06:55:05 PM

    Personally, my name is Farrah or Faye, and my mother is Lebanese and my Father is Syrian. My mother had told me the name Farrah (or Faye) means joyful, happy, or beautiful in Arabic. I hope that answers your question.

  11. on Thursday 11th of March 2021 10:44:13 PM

    Yes that is right. It’s mean happy or glad. People have a good time and enjoy the day with wading or celebration. It’s a nice Arabic word. And lucky name.

  12. on Monday 28th of August 2023 05:53:15 PM

    I am Faye (UK), I found out that my origins of my name is in fact, a girl’s Arabic name meaning, Shade from the tree. In other Western cultures, ‘Faye’ also means Faith and Fairy, which on occasion I am called.

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