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A Quranic Name for Girls

Eliyah is variant of Iliya and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Eliyah or Iliya, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable. For more details please see the main entry at: Iliya.

Full Meaning of Eliyah

Eliyah is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “belonging to those who are noble”, “belonging to the high class”, a person who comes from a respected class of society. It also means “those who belong to Illiyyeen“, which is the highest place in Paradise. It is derived from the AIN-L-A root which is used in many places in the Quran.

Limitless is He in His glory, and sublimely, immeasurably exalted above anything that men may say [about Him] (Quran 17:43)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 31st of August 2020 02:27:17 AM

    OMG , I’m a Chinese boy and named myself Eliyah 。It turned out to be a girl’s name!!!

  2. on Tuesday 12th of January 2021 11:58:53 PM

    “Eliyah” is also a male name in Hebrew [אליה] or [אליהו] (beginning with an ‘alef instead of an `ayin) and is the name of a Jewish prophet from the Hebrew Bible. Sometimes spelt Elijah, Eliyah or Eliyahu in English. It a very ancient name and literally means “My God [Eli] is YHWH [Yah] (the God of Abraham)”. In Greek it became Elias, and in Arabic Iliya [إيليا] (also with an ‘alif). You’re fine having it as your name as a boy! 不要擔心 😉

    There is also a female name ‘Eliyah/’Iliya that begins with an `ayin in Hebrew like the one the name “`Eliyah” in this page. In Hebrew it is “`Aliyah”/”Aaliyah” [עליה] and means “to ascend”. Both Semitic languages and cultures have many overlaps with given names and their meanings.

  3. on Wednesday 13th of January 2021 12:01:46 AM

    and relating to your comment about being a boy and having this name “OMG” is actually quite fitting…!! 😉

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Categories: Variants of Islamic Names
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