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Thanks for the guidance.You answered my all questions. Please tell me about the name Kashmala. I hear it's a persian name and it means garland.What can be the more persian girl names starting with K?


This is an official answer by Staff

There are many words for garland in Farsi, but none of them sound like Kashmala. I looked in many places and dictionaries but there doesn't seem to be a word that sounds like this. Some sites say it is Pashto, not Farsi.

Below is a list of Farsi girl names starting with K. I use double "aa" to show long A's as in English sm(A)rt, the single "a" letters are like the U in h(U)mble:

Kaasheen (a place north of Ilam in Iran)
Kaamnoosh ("sweet wish", "sweet desire")
Kaameh (goal, wish)
Kaamisha (happy)
Katayoon and Kasayoon (a character in Shahnameh)
Kashm (a historical or mythical Persian princess)
Keshvar (country, land, state)
Kamand (tress)
Kushaaneh (a girl who strives)
Kushak (palace, daughter of Iraj in Shahnameh)
Kuheeneh (a plant known as squaw mint in English)
Kahrabaa (amber)
Kohsaar ("mountainous", a place where it is cold and there are lots of high mountains)
Kaybaanoo, Kiyanbanoo and Kayanbanoo (queen, a woman who is a leader among women)
Kayaanoosh (a character in Shahnameh)
Kayaaneh (royal)
Kimiaa (elexir, alchemy, rare, mythical)
Kinaaz ("pride of the king", a princess who makes her father proud)
Kayvaan (Saturn the planet)
Kayhaaneh (the world, the creation, the cosmos)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 29th of May 2015 06:53:48 PM

    Origin pashtoon kash means mountains and mala means princess so it’s princes of mountains. There is also a flower name kashmalu in khaber paktoonkhaw plus some people thinks it’s also means necklace of flower

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