Anyone knows?

Home Forums Question and Answer Anyone knows?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Amalina 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    It’s just a simple curiosity but one that never really been answered or at least, when I’ve asked my parents, they said they found the name on a guidebook for names or something but I tried to search the meaning everywhere but I cannot really find the meaning anywhere. My parents answer are too vague as my mom said she found it on a book somewhere with the meaning of ‘heart’ or something but there’s no source to make sure since although it’s a little similar sounding with ‘Sabrina’, my second name ‘Sadrina’ is apparently quite a rare name.
    So basically, I hope someone knowleadgeable can answer what’s the meaning of ‘Sadrina’. Thank you!

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