ask about name enaya

Home Forums Question and Answer ask about name enaya

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Staff 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #113690 Reply


    A.o.a my baby is 7 month old i put her name Enaya.but people said that it is not good for her.because some sites says its means CONCERN!SOLITUDE. Im very upset. can i change my baby name.can i named her it good for her.plz reply me fast.i will be very thankful.

  • #114152 Reply

    Alalikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    Enaya is another spelling of Inayah, which is a good name that means “care”, “to care for someone”, “to be concerned for them”. This is a good meaning and there is no need to change it, there are thousands of Muslim girls that have this name.

    As for Areesha, it is an acceptable name as well. You can read about it here: Areesha

    Both Enaya and Areesha are acceptable names and you can choose either one.

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