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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Azlaan 6 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #120346 Reply


    Is ishrah an authentic name? What is it’s meaning can anyone help? The meaning i have came across is “tashrih” is it a good name?

  • #120431 Reply

    Ishraah (إشراح) means “to become happy”, “to become relieved”, it has the same meaning as Inshirah. It is an acceptable name.

  • #132785 Reply


    I want to authenticate name ‘Aarib’ what is the proper meaning and how to write in Urdu.

  • #136200 Reply


    Please provide if the name izyan can be given to baby boy. I would like to know if it is of arabic origin and the meaning. i found the meaning as intelligent.

  • #169418 Reply


    Assalam o Alaikum
    We are looking for origin of the name Azlan / Azlaan. Whether it is arabic or turkish or urdu and what is the meaning of the name.

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