confirmation about the existence of name

Home Forums Question and Answer confirmation about the existence of name

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bilal 7 years ago.

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  • #107854 Reply



    Respected sir,

    I want to decide my son name Rawaiz Khan or Aaraiz Khan, but I can’t find the meaning of Rawaiz and existence in any Islamic site and also confused with the correct name of Aaraiz spell and meaning.
    Kindly guide me the both above mentioned names for existence and their meaning
    I will be very thankful to you

  • #107891 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    Unfortunately we have no information on Rawaiz and Aaraiz and we cannot say anything about them.

  • #120481 Reply


    Meaning for name AWAIZ SHARIFF

  • #126271 Reply


    CAn i name my son raamis umer malik

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