
Home Forums Question and Answer eshaal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  eshaal 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #115395 Reply


    i read Eshaal meaning from your website
    Can you verified it i got information from somewhere else about eshaal name.
    “Is eshaal(اشعال) is from root word Shul (شعل) which means flame of fire.
    So eshaal mean one who is full with light or something that is extremely well lit and bright”

  • #115799 Reply

    Eshaal (اشعال) means “to light a lamp or fire”, “to kindle a fire”, “to set ablaze”. It describes an action. Yes, it comes from the SH-AIN-L root.

  • #117307 Reply


    thanks i found same meaning from other source
    burning ; ignition ; inflaming ; inflammation ; inflamming ; kindling ; lighting ; setting fire to ; setting on fire.
    But i heard this name is in negative Connotation as imam of masjid said this about name

    “The name is spelled (اشعال) in Arabic. Once again there is no correct English spelling for it.

    The name means one who is full with light or something that is extremely well lit and bright. It is derived from the root word Shul (شعل) which means flame of fire.

    This is also not mentioned in the Qur’an at all. This word is used in a negative connotation indirectly”

  • #117343 Reply

    You will have to decide for yourself whether it has a negative connotation. You provided ample meanings for it, and in the Quran the root is used in verse 19:4 to refer to Prophet Zakariyya’s hair “flaring up” with whiteness (peace be upon him).

  • #120921 Reply


    Is there any authenticity that “Eshaal” is the name of flower in the heaven?

  • #125279 Reply


    is eshaal name can use for baby boy?

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