Haniya Mariam

Home Forums Question and Answer Haniya Mariam

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Jubairdeen 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #125370 Reply


    I Choose the name of Haniya Mariam to my Daughter.. Is this name correct or not.. Plz Explain it….

  • #130773 Reply

    mohamed Jinnah

    assalamu walikkum please haniya mariam meaning

  • #130774 Reply

    haniya mariam

    Please what the men

  • #131928 Reply


    I too named my daughter as Haniya Maryam
    Haniya means brings happiness to her parents comes in surah Atthoor 19th Ayah
    Maryam as all we know very purity only women mentioned in quran the mother of Easa AS..
    May Allah make my daughter nd ur daughter as very pious and more taqwa
    Dua for me and my family

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