is the name Ainul Marzia correct n eligible n shud the name during azaan shud b

Home Forums Question and Answer is the name Ainul Marzia correct n eligible n shud the name during azaan shud b

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  farrukh ali 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #107867 Reply

    Aliya Naaz

    Alhumdulillah I’m blessed wit baby girl n named her Ainul Marzia durin azaan on the day she was born..later due to sum family issues we had to change her name as Alina question is ..shshud we conti wit the name taken durin azaan or can cl by later name..n i like the name Ainul Marzia very much ..i just want to nw the exact meaning of it n know if it is eligible name..n i have heard that it was the name of queen of hoors in jaanah…plz let me know
    Jazakallah khair

  • #108008 Reply

    You are free to continue with either name. They are both good names and parents are free to change their child’s name, or go back to using a previous name.

    Ainul means “eye of” and Marzia means “someone that others are pleased with”, “someone that God is pleased with”. Ainul Marzia means “eye of the girl/woman that God is pleased with”.

    There is no mention of the names of houris in the Quran or the authentic ahadith, therefore we have no way of knowing if whether Ainul Marzia is the name of a houri or not.

  • #130308 Reply

    farrukh ali

    what is the meaning of AINA only

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