Home › Forums › Question and Answer › Is this an arabic name?
This topic contains 22 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Mohamed Ayzin 2 years ago.
AaliaIs Aizen or Aidhen an Arabic name?
ABDURAHEEMIzin or Aizin is arabic name ? What does it mean?
Muhammed nahasIzin or aizin or ayzin its muslim name or not
AidhIf it’s an Arabic name what’s the meaning
IdaIf it’s an arabic name what’s the meaning??
WaseemI need to know AIZEN is arabic name?
or is there any name related in arabic. eg: aizan / aizaan /ayzan / ayzaan. -
Naveed Anjum RahmanIzin or Aizin is arabic name ? What does it mean?
AzharAyzin is an Arabic name or not??
Please provide the meaning of the name -
ShazinAuzun and aizan name meanings in arabic
MuhammadIs Ayzin a good name for a baby? What’s the meaning of Ayzin?
AizaanPlease reply
AmyIs aizin/ayzin an Arabic name? What is the meaning?
Zainul abidHezin/ayzin/haizin is an arabic name?
Can you please support us to know its origin -
HaizinMeaning of this name
mohamedis ayzaan a muslim name. and what is the meaning of this name?
Fariz ChowdhuryHi
Just wondering Ayzaan is said to be a Muslim name as referred by other websites. However could you tell me where in Quran can I find the word?
Thanks for your help. -
What does Aihan mean in arabic plz -
AIHANWhat does Aihan or Ayhaan means
AizaanIs it arabic name? And what isthe meaning
HezinMeaning in arabic?
HamizI like to call hamiz zohan
Hezlyn parvinWhat is the meaning of hezlyn parvin please correct me if I’m misspelled
Mohamed Ayzin -