Meaning of a name

Home Forums Question and Answer Meaning of a name

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nayla 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #120220 Reply


    My 1st baby, my daughter has been born. I want to give her a good name. Thats why I want to know the meaning & background of the name given below :
    “Fatima Al-Zahra”

  • #120221 Reply


    There is an another issue. I found two names in various websites, which are almost similar.

    “Naylaa/Naylah” meaning is “bestowal”, “gift”, something given freely, and figuratively meaning “gift from God”.

    “Nailah نيله” meaning is Acquirer, obtainer, winner

    Now I want to know which one is correct? Are both correct?
    If correct please let me know the perfect pronunciation.
    Thank You

  • #120396 Reply

    The one meaning “gift”, “bestowal” is written as نَيْلَا, while the one meaning “obtainer” (though the more common meaning “gracious”, “charitable”) is written as نائلة. These are two different names from the same root. As for the correct pronunciations, type Nayla and Naylaa in the search box and read their respective articles.

  • #120526 Reply


    Thank you very much.

  • #120571 Reply

    mehlab zahra

    What is a meaning of mehlab zahra name

  • #129723 Reply


    wat does Nayla mean in arabic

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