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This topic contains 15 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avenue 17 11 months ago.
FaizaI want to know the exact meaning of Naimal
According to Ayat ” Hasbunallahu Wa Naimal Wakeel Naimal comes from the root word “Naima” which means best excellent and bliss where as “Al” is definite article used in arabic and it means “the”…… but I want to niw the meaning of Word “Naimal” I like this name and I want to choose for my baby -
NayabI want to know the exact meaning of name “naimal” according to quran
FarooqWhat is the meaning of Naimal. How to write it in Urdu. With aain or with yaaay.?
Maham MalikI want to know exact name naimal meaning
PalvashaI want to know the exact meaning of name “naimal” according to quran. And is it good name for baby girl.
naimalNaimal name urdu meaning in detail..
AnaboIs naimal quranic name?
NaimalI want to know the exact meaning of name naimal according to quran
NaimalFrom which ayat naimal dervied
naimalwhat is the meaning of naimal in arabic
Aqsa umarWhat is the exact meaning of naimal name? How to write it with Hain or yayy?
Namel WakeelNaimal is sort of verb in Quran which is used with wakeel so here it is used to define Allah that namel wakeel means insaf krny wala ya acha krny wala ya behtareen karsaz so
There is no meaning of namel alone it just refer krny wala like a verb in english -
NaimalWhat’s the meaning of naimal?,
FAIZAN“نیمل” کا لفظ اردو، عربی اور فارسی کسی لغت میں نہیں مل سکا، البتہ عربی میں “نمل” (نَمَل: Namal) کا لفظ بطورِ مصدر استعمال ہوتاہے، اس کا معنٰی ہے: کسی چیز یا جگہ کا چیونٹیوں والا ہونا/ چیونٹیوں کی کثرت ہونا/ پاؤں کا سن ہوجانا/ نتھنے میں ایسی گدگی کا احساس جیسے جسم پر چیونٹی چلنے سے گدگی سے ہوتی ہے۔ یہ نام (نَمَل) رکھنا مناسب نہیں ہے۔
بہرصورت “نیمل” کے بجائے کسی صحابیہ رضی اللہ عنہا کے نام پر نام رکھنا بہتر ہو گا۔ فقط واللہ اعلم
Avenue 17I am very grateful to you for the information. It very much was useful to me.