Please suggest a second name for our baby girl

Home Forums Question and Answer Please suggest a second name for our baby girl

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Ili Aiman 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #121500 Reply

    Ili Aiman Binti Abdul rahman

    Asslamualaikum, our Daughter full name is Ann Binti Muhammad Azim Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Ramlee.

    Knowing that Ann means This Moment, or Now. We were advised by an Egyptian vet that it also means Want.

    Would any of you be kind enough to suggest us a second name so that it is meaningful when she is called in akhirah.

    Our main reason back then to give her a short name so that it is easy to call her for ie Ann Muhammad. We believed giving her Super Long names won’t benefit her as it would be shortened aka nick names. But now we are in doubt unless there’s assurance that Ann is sufficient and is good enough.

  • #121510 Reply



  • #124008 Reply

    Ili Aiman

    Thank you,

    Kindly remove this question from the Q&A forum.

    Thank you.

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