Pronunciation/spelling of the name Nayla

Home Forums Question and Answer Pronunciation/spelling of the name Nayla

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Staff 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #121865 Reply


    I really like the name Nayla but I would like it to be spelled either Naaila or Naeela, and be pronounced as “Nuh-EE-luh”. Would this be okay? and would out change the meaning of the name?
    Thank you.

  • #121870 Reply

    You are free to create your own variant of a name, Arabs do that all the time. There is no Arabic name that is pronounced nuh-ee-luh, therefore as long as you tell people that it is a variant of Nayla, you should be fine. Be prepared to have a lot of people try to correct the name though.

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