
Home Forums Question and Answer Rumaisa

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  yusuf 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #111559 Reply


    Alaikumasslam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

    Can u tell me Rumaisa name meaning ?? i saw its meaning Bunch of flower
    n how we can write it in urdu(رُ میصاء رومیسہ رُمَيْسَاء )
    Also it it true that

    ” Rumaysa bint Milhan was the name of the first woman to convert to Islamic belief. She was known for her strong character and her son was a companion of the prophet Muhammad.”
    Any spelling is accetaple.

  • #111561 Reply


    Alaikum Assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    From your sites i came to know 2 meaning of Rumaisa
    “wind that scatters dust and covers things” and “good”, “strong” and “good friend”. It is also the name of a star.
    Though both have same Arabic spelling رُمَيْسَة
    I have concern about urdu spelling bcz i don’t want to mix it up with name Romeesa(رُمَيْسَاء ) which have different meaning and pronunciation.
    Kindly tell how to write in urdu


  • #112257 Reply

    Alaikumassamalam wa rahmatullah,

    Unfortunately our knowledge of Urdu is not good enough to give you a definitive answer on its spelling. If you have any other questions let us know.

  • #112575 Reply


    Alaikum Assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    oh ok thanks a lot….
    My other part of question is Which meaning of Rumaisa( رُمَيْسَة ) is correct.From your sites i came to know 2 meaning of Rumaisa
    “wind that scatters dust and covers things” and other meaning is “good”, “strong” and “good friend”. It is also the name of a star.
    Though both have same Arabic spelling رُمَيْسَة but different English spelling.
    Also i read that “” Rumaysa bint Milhan was the name of the first woman to convert to Islamic belief. She was known for her strong character and her son was a companion of the prophet Muhammad.”…Do you know anything about this.
    thanks a lot

  • #114142 Reply

    For more details on Rumaisa/Rumaisah please see this page: Rumaisah. We can no longer find any sources for the meaning of “good” or “strong”, for this reason the official meaning now is “wind that scatters”.

    As for the Sahabiyyah name you mentioned, it is a different name which you can read about here: Rumaisaa

  • #114166 Reply


    what about Romeesa(رُمَيْسَاء ).Is it also a islamic name??

  • #115018 Reply

    We cannot find any mention of رُمَيْسَاء in our sources, but linguistically it is derived from the same root as Rumaisah and therefore it is very likely that it has the same meaning.

  • #138382 Reply


    woman with crusts around her eyes

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