Suggestion for name of a baby girl

Home Forums Question and Answer Suggestion for name of a baby girl

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Abdur Rahman 8 years ago.

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  • #120132 Reply

    Maria Zia

    I want to request the team of Quranic names to please suggest me some Islamic names or from quran starting from the letter M for a baby girl. I wish it could be pair with Fatima, like Ayat Fatima etc. Also please suggest view over the name Mahdiya. I would be most grateful if I can have couple of suggestions with meaning.

  • #120169 Reply

    For Mahdia please see: Mahdia

    As for suggestions, we suggest any name that has a good meaning. Choosing a name is a matter of personal preference and it is the duty of the parents and their relative to find a good name they like.

  • #124906 Reply

    Abdur Rahman

    Assalamu Alikum Wa rahmathullahi Wa barakathuhu..

    Kindly sent the meaning for Name of MHDIYA for Girl name.Kindly guid for me

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