the meaning of Dujana and is it okay to keep this name?

Home Forums Question and Answer the meaning of Dujana and is it okay to keep this name?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Dorothy 4 years ago.

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  • #120957 Reply


    Abu Dujana is one of the best warriors of Allah. is it okay if I name a child dujana? His full name was Abu Dujana Sammak bin Kharsha.

    can you tell me the meaning and origin of the name?

    thank you

  • #121864 Reply

    Muhammad ilyas

    Arabic name, comes from the word (دجانة), meaning “heavy rain”.

  • #127629 Reply



    Please tell me about this name. I want to give my baby boy this name, is this name ok in islam?

    hadid bin izhar or hadeed bin izhar


  • #132076 Reply

    Bint Jamal

    As far as I know, Dujana is usually a name given to girls, not boys. At least that’s how it is where I am from

  • #149101 Reply


    Assalamualaikum,I want to know the meaning of the word Duzana.Please help out!THANK YOU.

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