Umar Ayman meaning

Home Forums Question and Answer Umar Ayman meaning

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Staff 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #120010 Reply



    Allahamdulilah I have be blessed with baby boy, now the concern is abt naming him, My name is Hamed Hussain Mohammed and I wish to name my baby UMAR AYMAN Hussain, Hussain is family name and baby name will be UMAR AYMAN, I heard its not permissible in islam to have two names, UMAR is one name and AYMAN is other name, So my question is can we have two names for baby, and what exactly umar ayman means, to the best of my knowledge UMAR means Life and Ayman mean right side, or righteous, please confirm and suggest.

  • #120156 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    In Islam it is allowed to have any number of names you like. Arabs and thus the early Muslims only had one name, but this is not a religious requirement, just a cultural practice. Other cultures have multiple names, and there is no issue with this.

    Umar Ayman together do not create a new meaning, each name keeps its own meaning. The meanings you mentioned yourself.

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