what does my name?

Home Forums Question and Answer what does my name?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Theresa 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #106847 Reply



    my name is Erma (Irma)
    I want to know what my name means?
    and whether it is a Muslim name?

    jazakallah khair

  • #106920 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,
    Irma in the West is usually a pet form (i.e. nickname) of the German names Irmgard, Irmtraud and Ermintrude. It has the same origin as the name Emma and means “whole”, “entire”.

    We can also create a Persian etymology for the name from the root Ir (which refers to the Ari people, literally meaning “noble and pure”, and is the origin of the word Iran and Aryan) and the Persian suffix ma (“female”), thus creating the meaning of “noble and pure woman”, “a woman who belongs to the Ari race”, “Iranian woman”.

  • #125134 Reply


    Hey! Does ny name, Theresa mean anything in arabic?

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