Why name Musab is so uncommon,

Home Forums Question and Answer Why name Musab is so uncommon,

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Someone 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #120597 Reply



    I wish to name my baby boy Musab , but could not find out why name of a Sahaba (pbuh) is so uncommon in muslim community across the world, Further I could not find a valid source of its meaning…
    I am struggling to choose between Zaid or Musab..
    Any suggestions would be appreciated..


  • #120795 Reply

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    We had a freak snowstorm in Oct several years ago. Electricity was out for a week, and it has made me think about this scenario. The scary thing is the electric companies don’t employ line workers and technicians like they use to. The last ice storm, we had Canadians down here to fix the electric lines. Knock two or more substations out, and we’re really screwed.

  • #123904 Reply


    The Sahabee Mus’ab ibn ‘Umair is not very well known. There is not a lot that we know about him, even.
    Also since the name is not Qur’anic I suppose that could be why. I heard that Mus’ab means someone who is able.
    Also, it is a name that is quite popular in Sudan.
    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with naming a baby a name that is not common. I too have been born with an uncommon name and I am glad my parents have made such a decision. I like the meaning of my name. Just make sure the meaning is good and the boy will not be ridiculed for his name in the future.
    May Allah bless your son.

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