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I love the name Hareem but I have been told that this names has close meaning to Haram. Please tell me the exact meaning of this name and is it a good name or not for a baby girl? What is the origin of this name?... if it is not suitable, what about the name Tahreem?


This is an official answer by Staff

Thank you for your question. Hareem has six meanings: 1. Sacred and forbidden, 2. The cloth worn by pilgrims during Haj, 3. Property, an area belonging to a house, mosque, or institution and not the public 4. Whatever a person safeguards and defends 5. The women belonging to a man 6. The place where a man's wives reside (esp. at the time of the Turkish Muslim sultans who had many wives).

Hareem and Haraam come from the same root [H-R-M], and their meanings are closely related, for this reason I do not recommend it as a name for girls, and Arabs themselves don't use it as a name, especially since when you say "Hareem" their minds immediately think you mean by it "a woman who is a man's property or slave". The English-speaking world also uses the word (spelling it as Harem), and by it they mean "concubines owned by a man". They learned the word and meaning through contact with the Ottoman empire.

Since it doesn't have a positive meaning in Arabic or English, I don't suggest using it.

Tahreem means "to forbid something", to turn someone or something into a "Hareem", for this reason this one too is similar to Hareem and I do not suggest it.

To conclude, Hareem is not a bad name, but the meaning is complex and there are many better names to choose from, for this reason it is best not to use it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 7th of July 2014 07:52:29 AM

    my name is hareem and my names meaning is the walls of the house of kabba how can u say that u cant suggest this name or this name has not a positive meaning and its also means respectable izzat aur hurmat wali.

  2. on Tuesday 2nd of December 2014 01:29:20 PM

    i am hareem the meaning of my name is Walls Of House Of Kabba

  3. on Monday 9th of February 2015 08:15:29 AM

    Im not extrememly sure about this but my name is hareem and it means a respected and modest women in arabic (not sure because there are diferences in the language of different places ) and the secound meaning is the walls of haram

  4. on Tuesday 10th of February 2015 03:17:43 PM

    my name is hareem and its meaning is walls of kabba…

  5. on Tuesday 21st of April 2015 02:43:53 PM

    What if a person has HAREEM name. So what should she do? If their parents did aqeeqa also and a girl is in teen age or older.
    And just because of meanings that use by arabs and commonly in use. Why are you forgetting the other 5 meanings. Are they not right?
    Please answer it will help many
    Please answer

  6. on Sunday 3rd of May 2015 04:51:58 PM

    i think the walls of the house kabba is hareer nat hareem my sepf also lik hareem not want to keep my baby naam but am living here in arab thats y my arbi frind suggest that dnt keep bcz normaly its meaning not nice

  7. on Wednesday 3rd of June 2015 04:09:38 PM

    My name is hareem and my name,mean is walls of,kabah, and,pak saf

  8. on Tuesday 30th of June 2015 12:54:58 AM

    My name is Hareem, meaning the walls of the Kabba Sharif…..

  9. on Monday 10th of August 2015 05:20:11 PM

    The name seems fine to me. Oddly as ignorant american nonmuslim, I was curious of the meaning but never connected it to harem. Seeing the different definitions, it could have negative association within certain social situations. I think it is a pretty name though.

    I think not recommending it is based on the negative connections in certain areas with certain people and the person perhaps needing to explain the meaning behind the name.

    No matter, likely I would inquire the meaning of most Muslim names. Simply because most of them are awesome and/or beautiful and I love they actually still have a meaning. I couldn’t imagine anyone giving their child a negative name so I assume it is positive. Unless it’s American with some of the garbage used for names.

  10. on Sunday 23rd of August 2015 05:35:27 AM

    i have heard that naming that sacred place for girls is not gud bcz its a name of a place that is paak saaf bt aqsa is also a name of mosque then why aqsa is not forbided fr girls .. aqsa mosque is also sacred place …. i have also heard a girl naming makkah

  11. on Wednesday 2nd of September 2015 06:55:40 PM

    hareem should not b the name of girl becouse this is the name of scared place .and the girl should not b the nam of any palace okk

  12. on Monday 23rd of November 2015 09:49:51 AM

    i do not agree with this answer. Hareem is a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. It is mentioned in the Quran and should most definitely be an option for a girls name. Hareem meaning the walls of Kabbah, also

  13. on Thursday 26th of November 2015 04:32:19 PM

    I recomend Hareem as a good name because it’s meaning in lslam is the walls of kaba and it means lucky.
    My own name is Hareem Azam and I am successful in my life.

  14. on Monday 28th of December 2015 02:13:48 PM

    What is your view about the name Hifsah. What does it mean. And how popular is this name?

  15. on Friday 15th of January 2016 12:55:53 PM

    My name is Hareem how can you even say it’s not a good name or doesn’t have any positivity you your self didn’t understand the meaning n the respect you should give to this name go and find out exactly what it means then give your own name personal review!!!

  16. on Friday 26th of February 2016 12:22:14 PM

    i have a question that a girl named hareem given a better life or she is good for a boy named basharat

  17. on Monday 11th of July 2016 08:05:02 AM

    This is just rubbish u are talking name is hareem and my parents tell me it is a wonderfull islamic means the walls of haram is a very respectful name,so pls dont abuse it & ask forbiddance from allah:)

  18. on Wednesday 27th of July 2016 11:05:20 AM

    My name is hareem and its meaning is wall of kabba first time I hear something like hareem bad meaning tehreem meaning is forbit not hareem

  19. on Saturday 26th of November 2016 01:26:11 PM

    can any one tell me how u guyz saying that hareem mean name of “wall of kabba?” have you listened from your parents or just search on internet?
    i need any ayat from quran or any hadees from which its mentioned that hareem is “wall of house of kabba”

  20. on Wednesday 19th of April 2017 11:20:56 AM

    I have been told all my life that my name means ‘walls of kaaba’ and i believe it… it doesn’t matter if in any other language it means anything at all… we muslims most respectfully name our children ‘Anas’ i doesn’t matter whether it means what in other languages… so its all about believe that which meaning u choose for ur name…. and m proud of being ‘Walls of kaaba’ Hareem 🙂

  21. on Wednesday 3rd of May 2017 09:22:52 AM

    What da hell. ..don’t be superstitious. Hareem has no wrong or bad meaning . If you like it name it your baby .. Because names and words have different meaning in different regions and languages. Like when we say Majid ul Haraam we think it of “respected” not haram in the sense of bad , forbidden etc

  22. on Saturday 12th of August 2017 06:38:48 PM

    my sister name is also Hareem.Hareem name meaning are so much.

  23. on Wednesday 28th of February 2018 01:28:28 PM

    The boundary wall of Masjid e Nabvi and Masjid e Haraam is called HAREEM e.g
    In a naat a poet says : ( . . . door hoon hareem e Nabavi se)

  24. on Wednesday 23rd of May 2018 08:54:56 AM

    I’ve been researching the name as if never heard ir before. As an English speaker I was shocked to think someone would name their child hareem. It definitely has a negative meaning in english. I cant find anything to link it to the walls of the kaba. Although I did learn that “hateem” has a holy meaning . The jury is still out for me on this name. But i cant find anything linking it to something good and positive yet. I’ll keep reading…

  25. on Sunday 1st of July 2018 07:05:39 AM

    The person who said it is not a positive meaning. Is basically an illitrate and useless fellow. It is a nice name

  26. on Sunday 30th of September 2018 08:18:19 AM

    My daughter name. Nice name meaning Pak saf and wall of haram Pak

  27. on Monday 18th of March 2019 04:00:01 PM

    Hahahaha hilarious seeing all dumb women defending the name because their parents didn’t give it enough thought.

  28. on Monday 10th of June 2019 10:51:22 AM

    i dont think that hareem name possess bad meaning according to my knowledge

  29. on Friday 21st of June 2019 12:49:43 PM

    I love hareem. It’s beautiful name. Hareem is daughter, sister, wife, and mother name. So please love your daughter, sister, wife and mother…..

  30. on Sunday 8th of September 2019 09:59:25 AM

    Hareem name is good and it can be name of a girl in Islamic point of view its meaning is sacred places

  31. on Sunday 27th of October 2019 05:24:16 PM

    Hareem means pure . pak or pakeezah. Yes it has some negative connotations but in Islam it actually means pure.

  32. on Sunday 27th of October 2019 05:25:04 PM

    I have a friend named hareem actually and she absolutely hates her name. Shes although very beautiful and the name suits her. it’s extremely unique and in fashion

  33. on Sunday 8th of December 2019 04:09:20 PM

    Dreamy Reemy! Aaahhh Love from Meela and Kaleb! Xx

  34. on Thursday 10th of February 2022 07:38:17 AM

    ^^^To call the women defending their own names dumb is pathetic itself. Hareem is a good name yet complex End of

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