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I want to name my new born daughter Hamnah. Can you please tell me what it means and if it is mentioned in the Quran?


This is an official answer by Staff

Hamnah is an ancient Arabic name that refers to grapes that came from the city of Ta'if near Mecca, black in color with some redness, famous for having tiny seeds.

This name is not a Quranic name (not mentioned in the Quran, and there are no words in the Quran related to it). It is however an Islamic name because some of the Prophet's female Companions were named such. Most famous is Hamnah bint Jahsh [ra], sister of Zaynab [ra], who is one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad [s]. Another Hamnah is Hamnah bint Abi Sufyan, foster niece of Prophet Muhammad [s].

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 8th of February 2018 05:41:17 AM

    Hamnah means intellectual, caring and protector as per my research. I own this name from last 23 years 😀 and yes in some researches i have found that a sparrow of heaven is named as hamnah.

  2. on Thursday 22nd of March 2018 07:03:52 PM

    Hamna means Sparrow of paradise, it also means extremely discerning …

  3. on Saturday 23rd of November 2019 05:06:21 PM

    My name is hamna and yes i also know the meaning is sparrow of heaven. And yes some researches i found that the meaning black grapes….

  4. on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 11:21:44 PM

    Yes my name is also hamna and it is the name of sparrow of paradise

  5. on Tuesday 28th of February 2023 08:33:24 PM

    my name is also Hamnah and I BEILEVE that my name was the name of a warrior.

  6. on Monday 12th of June 2023 09:51:41 PM

    My name is hamnah and I’m an 11 year old so I heard that it means black grapes or warrior

  7. on Wednesday 1st of November 2023 12:18:38 PM

    I am 15 yrs old and also named hamnah . From my research hamnah means sparrow of heaven and also a phoenix. Hamnah also means a black berry fruit found in taif

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer | Sahabiyyah Names (Female Companions of the Prophet)
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