Short meaning of Imani | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God See below for detailed meaning |
How to pronounce Imani | EAst + sMArt + New + slEEp Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Imani in Arabic) | إيماني |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Imani | Imaani Eemani Emani Imaney Imaniy Imaniyy Emanei Emany Emane Emani Emaney Emaniy Emaneei Emanie All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | A-M-N All Quranic baby names derived from A-M-N: |
Meaning of Imani
Imani is an indirect Quranic name for girls that mean very faithful, one who has a strong faith in Allah and their faith is their identity. It is derived from the A-M-N and is formed from the word Iman, which is another Quranic name.
When the believers saw the confederates, they said, ‘This is what God and His Messenger have promised us. Surely the promise of God and His Messenger has come true.’ It served to increase them in faith and submission. (Quran 33:22)
A believer, a man from among the people of Pharaoh, who had concealed his faith, said, ‘Would you slay a man merely because he says, “My Lord is God.” He has brought you clear signs from your Lord, and if he is lying, the sin of his will be on his own head; but if he is truthful, a part of that of which he warns you will surely befall you. Certainly, God does not guide one who is a transgressor and a liar. (Quran 40:28)
Reader Comments:
on Monday 27th of November 2017 06:20:59 AM
Write your comment will name a baby boy iman
on Tuesday 4th of September 2018 06:16:07 PM
Love this name my daughter is called imani but spelt amani
on Tuesday 25th of September 2018 04:17:01 PM
Thank you for providing all this useful info
My daughter will be called imani
I’m not too sure on the spelling tho
Like the spelling Armani but it’s the same as the brand
Or even amani
What do you think is better
on Sunday 30th of September 2018 09:10:16 AM
My beautiful princess is called imani
Her big sister is called inaya and her brother s zain
on Monday 8th of October 2018 01:26:10 PM
My beautiful baby girls name Imani and Leila
on Wednesday 31st of October 2018 04:35:21 PM
Do u think this is a good name for my daughter who sister is called malika
on Thursday 20th of December 2018 02:53:42 PM
My identical twin girls are named Imani and Iyana. I am so very blessed for them
on Monday 8th of April 2019 04:50:10 PM
I’m wondering imani or amani
Do they have the same meaning?
on Sunday 28th of July 2019 03:14:24 PM
May I use this name as a surname
on Sunday 8th of December 2019 02:30:29 PM
My lil bubba is called Imani and is the sweetest name ever. And suits her very well x
on Monday 11th of January 2021 04:10:27 PM
To everyone asking about the difference between Imani and Amani. That one letter makes a big difference in the Swahili language, Imani meaning faith, and Amani meaning peace!
on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:28:08 AM
on Wednesday 19th of February 2025 10:53:03 AM
My daughter’s name is Imani, I have Egyptian roots living in Germany.
The name is quite unusual in Arab countries. It’s more of an East African or Afro American name. Iman is more common as a girl name in Arab countries. But I like Imani better.