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Does Amal mean hope? Kindly tell me its roots and origin and its pronunciation in Arabic and English. All info about these names also "Aimal" and "Shaheera"
This is an official answer by Staff
For Amal please see this page: Amal
I cannot find any authentic information on Aimal, some sites say it means "hope", "ambition", but that's the meaning of Amal, and Amal does not have any variants that sound like Aimal.
For Shaheera please see this page: Shaheera
Most Popular Muslim Names in 2025
Reader Comments:
on Monday 26th of September 2016 11:21:32 AM
Aimal is a place name in Afghanistan which is known due to the locket made with diamonds without any other substance. As per History Aimal was an warrior representing Pushtoons who won battles from Khattak’s and in Farsi it means a dreamers wish