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I wanted to know the correct spelling, pronunciation and meaning of name mahad or mahd. I checked on many sites they given different meaning, spellings. Also please conform that it is Hazrat Muhammad name or not because on one site it mention that its not. Can I name my son Mahad Ahmed.


This is an official answer by Staff

The names Mahad and Mahd are not related to Muhammad. Many people write Mhd or something similar as a short version of Muhamad, but Mhd by itself is not a name, it is just an abbreviation.

Mahad and Mahd could be many different names from the M-H26-D Quranic root, please take a look at this page to see all of the relevant names: M-H26-D. Click on each name to see its information.

You can name your son Mahad Ahmad since both are good names.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 5th of January 2016 07:00:05 AM

    this is good site because my name is mahad thank to you and owner of this site thank you to made this type of site.

  2. on Saturday 3rd of December 2016 06:02:10 PM

    What is write name and spelling of mahad or mahaad and meaning of both name in Islam

  3. on Friday 23rd of December 2016 02:28:51 PM


  4. on Friday 31st of March 2017 09:27:55 AM

    I named my on ” MAHAD “, It’s Prophet Muhammad’s name. You can in find it in the list of Prophet Muhammad’s names list given at the end of some Quran Pak or search on internet. Mahad means Hidayat Yafta. I found this name in the list of Prophet Muhammad’s names given at the end of one Quran Pak which I have at my home. It is confirmed and no doubt about it. You can name your child MAHAD without any hesitation.

  5. on Friday 10th of August 2018 06:52:21 AM

    Mahad or Mahd, is one of Prophet Muhammad’s names.

  6. on Thursday 14th of February 2019 09:55:07 AM

    Do you have additional information on the meaning and origins of this name? Please share your knowledge with our readers using the anonymous comment form below!

  7. on Friday 15th of February 2019 09:20:53 AM

    galat answer dia hi website pa MAHAD mohammad saw ka naam hi quran pak ma majood hi

  8. on Tuesday 22nd of October 2019 03:07:25 PM

    Yes Mahad is a name of Holly prophet Muhammad pbuh.

  9. on Wednesday 13th of May 2020 01:25:15 AM

    Mahad is one of the 99 names of Holy prophet (PBUH).

  10. on Thursday 18th of March 2021 04:47:52 PM

    plz i want to know spelling of mahad in arabic

  11. on Friday 10th of February 2023 03:08:05 AM

    Yes Mahad is mention in the names of Muhammad (SAW)

  12. on Saturday 6th of April 2024 12:52:25 PM

    I want to know about correct spelling of Mahad I found it in list of Muhammad pbuh names in Quran pak I want to name it of my son

  13. on Saturday 31st of August 2024 06:31:14 PM

    MHMD. Messiah. the word, the logos, in the flesh, to be seen and heard, conscience of a living man. Peace.

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