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Asalamualaikum, can you please provide information on the girls names RAIMA and RAINA ? The meanings, and Islamic and Quranic view of these names. Thankyou.


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Raima is an Arabic name for girls that means a woman who has strong love and affection for her baby. It is not used in the Quran directly or indirectly, but Muslims can use it since its meaning is good. It can be pronounced in two ways:

(R)un + sm(A)rt + (I)slam + (M)uslim + h(U)mble. Here you say RAA'IMA, there is a pause between the two parts

(R)un + sm(A)rt + pra(YI)ng + (M)uslim + h(U)mble. This is the easier pronunciation with no pause

As for Raina, most of the meanings mentioned on Islamic sites are incorrect and come from non-Arabic languages. The only Arabic word that sounds like this is Raainah which means "overtaker", "overpowerer". It is written as رَائِنَة in Arabic. It can be pronounced two ways like the name above, just substitute "M" for "N". I have not seen it used as a name, but if you like it you can use it. Raainah is an indirect Quranic word.

Raina could also refer to Raa`inaa, which in Arabic means "guide us", but is an offensive word in Hebrew that the Jews of al-Madinah would say to the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him, to pretend that they were believers while secretly making fun of him.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 21st of July 2015 02:32:11 PM

    Mera naam raima ha mojhe is naam ki correct meaning bata da

  2. on Saturday 21st of November 2015 05:33:34 PM

    could u quote an ayat or root for the indirect qurranic reference to raina.
    I am ok to use it as a name since it doesnot have an offensive meaning correct ?

  3. on Saturday 18th of June 2016 08:33:10 PM

    mera baam Raina he iska kiaa meaning he??mujhe bhu nahi pata

  4. on Saturday 18th of June 2016 08:35:09 PM

    mera naam Raina he iska kai meaning he plz cau u tell me

  5. on Friday 29th of June 2018 06:38:15 AM

    i am muslim girl my name is raina please do email me the correct meanign of my name..beacause some people told me this is non muslim is my email id

  6. on Thursday 15th of July 2021 01:51:06 PM

    My name is also Raina please tell me correct meaning of it.

  7. on Tuesday 9th of November 2021 03:18:02 AM

    mera baam Raina he iska kiaa meaning he??plz tell me

  8. on Wednesday 25th of October 2023 03:13:31 PM

    Can u plzz explain the meaning of Rayna?In websites they have give rayna(pure,clean)

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