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A Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Iqra

Islam + IraQ + RUn

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Iqra in Arabic)إقرأ
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of IqraEqra Iqraa Ekre Ekra Eqre Eqra Eykra Eyqra Eikra Eiqra Iykra Iyqra Ikre Ikra Iqre
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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Meaning of Iqra

Iqra is a direct Quranic name for girls that means “read!” It was a command sent down by Allah to our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, and according to some Islamic sources it is the first word of the Quran that was sent down through the angel Gabriel in the verses below:

1. Read! In the name of your Lord, who created:

2. created man from a clot [of blood].

3. Read! Your Lord is the most bountiful One

4. who taught by the pen,

5. taught man what he did not know. (Quran 96:1-5)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 14th of September 2015 06:38:13 PM

    mashallah what does bountiful mean iqra has a great meaning to it .it is amazing

  2. on Saturday 9th of January 2016 10:45:01 AM

    Please advise me whether I an get baby boy name like Razin Ira

  3. on Tuesday 5th of April 2016 05:43:37 PM

    Iqra is a beautiful and a blessing name its the most beautiful and gorgeous name in the whole wide world

  4. on Saturday 9th of April 2016 01:59:50 PM

    My doughter name is IQRA . plz tell me about this name. and what is the mens of IQRA. what is tha correct mening of IQRA

  5. on Tuesday 12th of July 2016 12:41:49 PM

    what is the meaning of ikra ?
    the meaning of ikra is “read”. It was commanded sent down by god or as we muslim say allah to our prophet peace be upon him

  6. on Tuesday 12th of July 2016 12:43:25 PM

    my daughter is called and I think that it is a beautiful name

  7. on Saturday 24th of September 2016 10:20:53 AM


  8. on Tuesday 27th of September 2016 11:36:36 AM

    my babe born on 24 sep 2016.i want to give him a islamic name with help of ilm o adad

  9. on Monday 10th of October 2016 07:29:18 PM

    I would like to know what they mean by ‘read’. It is a nice name and i would really like to find out the meaning of the name.

  10. on Saturday 29th of October 2016 05:12:44 PM

    Mashallah this is very informative about my name

  11. on Friday 27th of January 2017 03:37:02 PM

    Masallah iqra is a nice name what is the correct meaning of iqra

  12. on Thursday 16th of February 2017 01:33:28 PM

    iqra is a good name.and its meaning is really right.

  13. on Saturday 18th of March 2017 04:47:41 PM

    Actually my elder daughter’s name is Iqra and she’s a doctor( Cardiologist) …And we’re Indians
    Proud to be Indian

  14. on Wednesday 28th of June 2017 12:40:46 PM

    My daughter’s name is SARA IQRA is it a correct format for her she was born on Dec 23rd

  15. on Thursday 29th of June 2017 04:14:44 PM

    I have a nice name iqra mashaallah i love the name

  16. on Saturday 16th of September 2017 04:01:16 PM

    Please suggest title match with Iqra, I am going to keep this name for my new born daughter

  17. on Tuesday 20th of February 2018 09:38:15 AM

    Inshaallah if I have a baby sister, I would name her Iqra.

  18. on Friday 22nd of February 2019 11:34:41 AM

    Iqra is a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart in whom she likes any one who comes along her .I love Iqra

  19. on Wednesday 24th of July 2019 05:53:12 PM

    My daughter name is husband name is the relationship continue….

  20. on Wednesday 24th of July 2019 05:58:02 PM

    My daughter name is IQRA. Her husband is are in relationship for 3 week will it continue

  21. on Thursday 12th of September 2019 03:28:17 PM

    I’d like to know the meaning of my name, Adiza. Thank you

  22. on Saturday 25th of January 2020 07:53:15 PM

    Google first choice brought me here.. So..
    Iqrae is the name of a Girl? Maybe you meant Ikram? Never knew anyone with the name Iqrae. -Iqraae! yeah.. No! I only can picture some strict profesor back in the days who yell that or an elderly figure.
    Do you imagine being called “Read”? I mean it could perfectly be out there, but Ive never heared of someone with that name and Im predominantly from a Muslim culture not arab but studied it since I was 5, now Im 30.
    You see.. Im a passionate student of translation & interpretation, I love to inmerse myself in the theological teachings. Ive learned that it is not an easy job. Semitic languages are vey rich and complex. The holy Quran is meant for us to understand not just read and switch words from a language into an other, that is very misleading and dangerous, it is not that simple.
    Anyway, Iqrae has many meanings and “read” isnt the only one, its lacks much more: it is in imperative which means its a command, Read! (Iqrae) can be interpreted as analyse, study, learn or understand. If you want to know more, seek interpretations! Read! and fulfil the first commandement that God passed on to us by his chosen last messenger, peace be upon him.

  23. on Friday 7th of August 2020 08:38:12 AM

    The secret of success is to stick to your own goals and beliefs

  24. on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:28:54 AM


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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With I or E | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With I or E | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Q-R-HMZ | Quranic Names by Root
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