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I like the name Amal/Amelle and especially like the meaning of “hope; expectation”. I was wondering if Amalie/Amelie is an acceptable variant? Does this change the meaning in any way? I like this name as it has a more feminine and European sound. Is it acceptable?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Thursday 3rd of July 2014 03:25:00 AM

    Many Arabic names are made up by ordinary people and do not follow the rules of the Arabic language, for this reason it is perfectly acceptable to use Amalie/Amelie as a variant of Amal.

  2. on Monday 20th of June 2016 02:01:46 PM

    yes bro i am
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  3. on Sunday 8th of January 2017 03:55:41 AM

    It can be used as long as it has a good meaning but you can’t say it is a variant of the name Amal as that is not how the Arabic language works
    I would pick a name from the greatest Islamic women and inshaAllah teach your child the great qualities
    We are advised picked good names and you don’t get better names than those given by Allah or his messenger

  4. on Tuesday 17th of October 2017 11:27:34 PM

    I am no expert in either names nor in the Arabic language, however as I understand, when you add an “ee” sound at the end of a word it changes the meaning to a possessive nature. That is to say, Amal/Amelle means “hope” and Amalie/Amellie means “MY hope”.

    My daughter’s name is Amelle

  5. on Tuesday 17th of October 2017 11:31:39 PM

    …sorry I got submit before I was done!

    My daughter’s middle name is Amelle and I adore it! It’s easy for her and others to say. The French name Amelie means “Hard working, Industrious, Striving” which are all good meanings, and we are allowed to use any name that has a good meaning. I think your choices Amalie and Amelie are beautiful! Good luck!

  6. on Monday 7th of October 2019 01:54:31 PM

    Amalie/ Amelie was my great grandmother’s name and what we plan on naming our daughter! The meaning is ‘my hope’ instead of just ‘hope’

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