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Is Eshan an Arabic boy name or not? Many websites with its meaning describe it as "God's grace", "worthy".


This is an official answer by Staff

Eshan seems to be a Hindu name, and the Islamic sites seem to have confused it with Ihsan/Ehsan, which means "good deeds", "beautiful manners".

There is no Arabic name that sounds like Eshan. The way some Islamic sites spell it, as عشان, is actually an Arabic slang word that means "for that reason" and no one would use it as a name.

According to some sites in Hindu sources it means "The Lord Vishnu", which they say is the creator of "the other gods". Since this meaning is not acceptable Islamically, Muslims shouldn't use it.

However if in some sources or language Eshan means something that's not against Islamic teachings, then it can be used as a name, since in Islam what matters is the meaning.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 26th of June 2015 10:18:44 PM

    I disagree. Eshan is an Arabic as well as Hindu name

  2. on Tuesday 1st of September 2015 06:28:40 PM

    If this is not a Muslim name then why they put in muslims baby names?

  3. on Wednesday 16th of September 2015 03:24:14 AM

    On many muslim sites its given as a Muslim name with meaning In God’s grace, worthy and the meaning in urfu is given as “Buland Akhlaq” I.e High Morale
    I have already kept my son name who is now 5 yrs old and Alhamdulilah a namazi boy with major Surah and dua learned alao now hv memorized dus e qunoot. ..

  4. on Thursday 29th of October 2015 12:27:16 AM

    Like no it is a Punjabi name like my friends name is eshan so I disagree with this website like God

  5. on Sunday 10th of April 2016 04:12:10 PM

  6. on Wednesday 7th of September 2016 06:13:56 PM

    Arabic is the oldest language so in arabic it comes first

  7. on Monday 31st of October 2016 06:04:23 PM

    Eshan means gods grace n he’s a gods grace to me!
    Found it in many Islamic sites

  8. on Saturday 3rd of December 2016 08:31:56 PM

    So many so-called Islamic sites are showing that Ishan (عشان) is an Arabic name. But for sure this is not even arabic word. If some has doubt then check with any Arab national or consult with Aalim.

  9. on Saturday 15th of July 2017 03:15:52 AM

    I’m Muslim and my name is eshan. Why do comments have to be one hundred characters long.

  10. on Wednesday 19th of July 2017 10:51:04 AM

    Eshan name is most suitable for Muslims baby boys. it is just like names (Zeshan, faizan, aryan,)

  11. on Saturday 21st of October 2017 04:02:21 PM

    I m Al hamdo lil Allah a Muslim and my son name is Eshan.

  12. on Thursday 9th of November 2017 01:40:56 PM

    The origins of this name is a Hindu. It means Lord Shivaji.

  13. on Tuesday 9th of January 2018 03:17:45 AM

    eshan is a very good girls name aaaaaaaasf hhh,nb buou;mknn nhyfsshhgt htsvRM Gdf

  14. on Sunday 1st of April 2018 12:42:33 AM

    I found the name Eshan from an Islamic website and confirmed its meaning with an Islamic scholar which means wealth. I am happy to have named my son Eshan who is now 7 years old and Alham du lilah he goes to mosque on a regular basis.

  15. on Sunday 3rd of March 2019 01:08:32 PM

    My son‘s name is Eshan and I chose this name when I found out the meaning in god‘s grace worthy,but people usually pronounce it as eeshaan which sounds like a hindu name
    As its written in arabic عشان usually this means ..because of.. so Its better to consult a scholar.

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