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Is Sheehan an Arabic word? What is the meaning of Sheehan in Arabic? If it is not Arabic what language is it derived from and is it OK to use as a Muslim baby’s name?

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 19th of March 2016 12:37:12 PM

    Is sheihan or sheehan islamic name what is the mean

  2. on Monday 27th of August 2018 04:55:02 AM

    Is shihan or sheehan islamic name what is the mean

  3. on Friday 31st of July 2020 11:16:51 PM

    Sheehan is an Irish surname. It is an anglicized version of Ó Síodhacháin in Irish Gaelic, and means ‘peaceful’. Most often found in Roman Catholic families from Counties Cork and Limerick.

    Pronounced ‘she-in’ (the second ‘h’ is silent. Most people incorrectly pronounce the second ‘h’, however.

    There may be a similar Islamic name. As a Sheehan, I was asked if it was an Arabic surname regularly.

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