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Salaam, sorry this is not exactly a question, this is more of a feedback. I've read the details/information you've written about/of the name Yusra. My name is Yusra... and I write my name differently in Arabic, than the way that you have shown. يسرا is the way I write it; and it is mentioned in the Quraan, around 6 times (if im not wrong).


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Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

The word Yusra is spelled as يسرى when it is on its own (when it is not in context), but in context, if it has tanween, then it is written as يسرا (actually يسرًا). In the Quran you only see يسرا because it always has tanween, since it is always in context and at the end of sentences. You'd read the word as Yusran, due to the tanween, and this is how you read it if you link one verse to the next, for example in Surat adh-Dhaariyaat (chapter 51):

فَالْجَارِيَاتِ يُسْرًا (3) فَالْمُقَسِّمَاتِ أَمْرًا (4)

transliteration if the verses are read together: fal jaariyaati yusran fal muqassimaati amran...

transliteration if the verses are read separately: fal jaariyaati yusra, fal muqassimati amraa

Aside from all that, many Arabs write the name as يسرا, for this reason there is no issue with this spelling. In Persian it is also written as يسرا.

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