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A Non-Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Iskandar

ISlam + CUp + New + DUst + pRay

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Original Spellingإسكندر
How to write Iskandar in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian

This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.

Meaning of Iskandar

Iskandar is an Arabic name for boys. It is the Arabic version of the English name Alexander, which means “defender of the people”.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 5th of January 2019 04:29:29 AM

    The Greek name actually comes from Arabic – the Greeks adopted the names from Arabs, like they did with some Aramaic/Hebrew words–eventually adding the Grecian/English form to it due to mispronunciation. The actual name is from Al-Iskandar with the Arabic definitive at first, indicating the. While the name was taken from the Arabs, the attached meaning may not have been (meaning it may have been an adopted name with an externally enforced meaning to it)

  2. on Thursday 24th of October 2019 04:24:12 AM

    Iskander is the arabic version of the name Alexander, arabs named as Iskander Alexander, how did the Greeks took the name Iskander from the arabs, this does not make any sense.

  3. on Sunday 28th of November 2021 01:12:02 AM

    If Arabic was created in the 1st century AD, approximately 400 years before Alexander the Great, then how could the Greeks have stolen the name Alexander from a language that did not exist at that time?

  4. on Sunday 26th of December 2021 10:57:06 AM

    You meant to say 400 years after Alexander. In which case you are wrong.
    Arabic was spoken by Adam and passed on till today except it stopped being spoken by everyone when God separated people at the Tower of Babel. From then it was only passed on through Noah’s sons Shem (actually ‘Sam’) which is what made Shem’s descendants Arabs, because they retained the Arabic language. So shem’s descendant genetic mutations are called arab because they are the only people which retained Arabic so they were called Arabs because of this. To be ‘Arab’ is to have a quality of ‘clearness, purity, original, fluent’ in reference to Adam’s language, which is called ‘arab(+ic)’ because of the meaning of the word ‘Arab’. So you have this original meaning, then you have the more modern meaning of ‘arab race/ethnicity’ which is in reference to Shem’s descendants because again, they are the descendants which retained the Arabic language so they were accordingly named ‘Arab’.

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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With I or E | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Muslim Boy Names not from the Quran | Non-Quranic Names
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