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Assalam o alaikum, Please suggest some islamic/quranic names starting with Q for my daughter.And what does Qirrat mean?


This is an official answer by Staff

Qirrat could be either Qiraat or Qurrat

Here is a list of Quranic baby girl name starting with Q. Q is a rare word for this reason there aren't many names that start with it:

Qanita (one who stands devoutly worshiping Allah)
Qubaal (first)
Qudaas (great honor, a pearl-like round object made from silver)
Qurratul Ain (joy to the eye)
Qareeba (near)
Qarir (happy with life, content, not sad)
Qisma (Allah's bounty and blessings, fortune)
Qitaaf (time of harvest)
Qatoof (harvested fruit and crops)
Qalbiya (one who has a heart)
Quloob (hearts)
Qamraa (moonlight)
Qootul Quloob (provision and sustenance of the hearts, a person who brings joy to the hearts of people)
Qunoot (obedience and worship)
Qoot (sustenance and provision)
Qaidam (front, beginning)

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