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Baby Name Question and Answer | Page 641

Published on November 10, 2013

Do the names Zawaad Arham Nur/Arham Zawaad Nur make sense?
Do the names Zawaad Arham Nur/Arham Zawaad Nur make sense?


What is the meaning of the name Eshmina? Is it Arabic in origin?
What is the meaning of the name Eshmina? Is it Arabic in origin?


I want to the meaning of the names Soha and Sophia (Sofia)
AoA. I want to the meaning of the names Soha and Sophia (Sofia). Are they Islamic names?


Is Natasha an Islamic name?
As-salamu alaykum, I really like the name "Natasha" and plan on naming my first daughter ...

Published on November 9, 2013

What’s the meaning of Yusef?
What's the meaning of Yusef?


Meanings of the names Shezneen (girl) Shabana (girl) Shifaq (boy)
Assalamualaikum please tell me the meanings of the names Shezneen (girl) Shabana (girl) Shifaq ...

Published on November 6, 2013

What does the name Ummara mean? I heard it was the name of a Sahabi
What does the name Ummara mean? I heard it was the name of a Sahabi, some also said it means ...


What does the name Shelina mean?
What does the name Shelina mean?


What is the meaning of name Afshin. Is it a Islamic name?


What is the meaning of the name Arash? Is it an Islamic name?
What is the meaning of the name Arash? Is it an Islamic name?


What is the meaning of Kareema?
What is the meaning of Kareema?


Is it permissible to name one’s baby after angel’s name?
Is it permissible to name one’s baby after angel’s name?


Is Nayel mentioned in Quran?
Is Nayel mentioned in Quran?


What is the meaning of Yashal?
What is the meaning of Yashal?


What is the meaning of Mueen?
What is the meaning of Mueen?


What is the meaning of Ruhban?
What is the meaning of Ruhban?


What is the meaning of Awwab?
What is the meaning of Awwab?


Is there any phrase in the Quran with the name “Leann”?
Is there any phrase in the Quran with the name “Leann”? If so please provide the meaning


Can we name our boy Hashim Zaeem?
Asalamu alikum, can we name our boy Hashim Zaeem.


Who was the historical figure with the name Affan?
What does Affan mean and is it mentioned in the Quran? Who is the historical figure with this name?

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