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A Quranic Name for Girls

How to pronounce Judy

JUne + DEE

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Judy in Arabic)جُودِيّ
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of JudyJudi Joodiyy Joodi Judy Gutei Guty Gute Guti Gutey Gutiy Guteei Gutie Guteey Gutiyy Gutee
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

Meaning of Judy

Judy is the name of the place where the ark of Prophet Noah (alaihi salam) rested at the end of the flood. Abu Ishaaq Az-Zujaj, the great linguist and grammarian of the Arabic language (died 311 Hijri) says it is a mountain in Amad (modern Diyar Bakr in Turkey), others say it is a mountain in Mosul in Iraq.

This name sounds exactly like the popular Western name Judy, which is short for Judith, or someone who comes from Judea. Scholars say that the fact that this name sounds exactly like a Christian/Jewish name doesn’t create a problem as long as it is acknowledged that the name is sourced from the Quran and not from Christian/Jewish culture.

This name is mentioned once in the Quran:

And it was said, “O earth, swallow your water, and O sky, withhold [your rain].” And the water subsided, and the matter was accomplished, and the ship came to rest on Judy. And it was said, “Away with the wrongdoing people.” {11:44}

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 13th of January 2015 01:11:51 PM

    I really like to Arabic name Judy and my friend just named her daughter Judy. Too bad I’m expecting again a son…. 🙂 In Middle East they also use a similar name Joud (جُود) but personally like Judy better for girls. I keep hoping for a girl, Insha’Allah next time better

  2. on Tuesday 15th of September 2015 04:47:19 PM

    I ikikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmnvjcygdtrcfttfycftttcftfccftcftcfttfyctcyfhgvihgivigvyhguviycgigcyycgiihcghcgihcgihcigighcgchiichgigchigchivhcfhicihfcihfcihgcgiycicgicgicgycigygicy

  3. on Friday 29th of January 2016 08:25:49 PM

    A perfect name for a Muslim to name their daughter. 🙂

  4. on Monday 30th of April 2018 06:12:04 AM

    Judy is the nicest name i have ever heard .
    Just wanna say that I love her so much❤

  5. on Thursday 6th of September 2018 04:37:46 PM

    I love the name Judy it’s my name and I never knew the meaning before

    Thank you

  6. on Friday 15th of March 2024 05:08:55 AM

    The actual word Jude used in parts of the western world isn’t a proper name. It is a shortening of an actual name.

    If we are talking about so-called biblical origins… Just like Matt is a shortened version Matthew, Mike of Michael, Tim of Timothy, Jake of Jacob; Jude was a shortened version of Judas. The actual name is Judas which is the Greek version of the semitic word Judah (not Hebrew only, existed in practically all semitic languages).

    It’s key to note that the J was pronounced as a Y sound as that’s how Europe functioned in the day before the actual introduction of the Y.

    The Greek Ὶούδας (Ioudas) became Judas, which comes from Yehudah (Judah) believed to mean “praised”. Pronouncing it with a J is the incorrect form and loses its meaning; this was a later corruption in the west.

    The Jude/Judy mentioned above in the Quran uses the J consonant sound in Arabic and has no correlation to the nickname Jude derived from Judas/Judah which is actually meant to be pronounced as Yehuda.

    Please note that Jude doesn’t exist in Hebrew. Only Yehuda (Judah) which is where the Greeks recorded the name Ioudas (Judas) before its entry into the Roman-Germanic languages where it was pronounced the same until the letter J’s vocalised pronunciation was changed. It’s also worth noting that Assyrian Aramaic has the word Yehud which predates Hebrew unlike other semitic languages.

  7. on Sunday 1st of December 2024 01:52:43 PM


  8. on Sunday 1st of December 2024 02:47:06 PM


  9. on Wednesday 5th of February 2025 11:41:20 PM


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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With J | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Girl Names Starting With J | Muslim Girl Names - Girl Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran
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