How to pronounce Kourosh | Kid + sOOn + pRay + pUt + SHop Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Original Spelling | كوروش How to write Kourosh in the original language, such as Arabic or Persian |
This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.
Meaning of Kourosh
Kourosh is a Persian name for boys that means “like the Sun”. Kourosh is the name of the founder of the Achaemenid Empire in Persia, who is known as Cyrus the Great in English.
Reader Comments:
on Monday 4th of November 2019 09:09:28 PM
Another name for kourosh is zulqarnain
As islamic. Scholars defined who was zulqarnain mentioned in quran